RSM President’s Day

Mr Ian Jenkins will host this year's Presidents Day for St Mark's. 

Friday 28th Mar 2025
9am - 5pm
In person at Avery Jones Lecture Theatre, St Mark's Hospital

Mr Ian Jenkins will host the RSM President’s Day for St Mark’s.

Join us for an educational day at St Mark’s The National Bowel Hospital, exploring the advances and controversies in the management of benign and malignant bowel conditions in a programme shaped and delivered by a national and international faculty of former fellows and alumni of St Mark’s: “Auld acquaintances, ne’er forgotten”. Learn about cutting edge research, minimally and maximally invasive surgical techniques, imaging, multidisciplinary working and training to optimise patient care, now and for the future. This meeting aims to explore recent clinical advances in coloproctology and their related controversies driven by the interests, experiences and enthusiasms of our St Mark’s alumni.

By attending this meeting, you will:

  • Gain increased knowledge of current cancer and IBD management
  • Better understand the areas of controversy in malignant and benign coloproctology e.g. immunotherapy in colorectal cancer management, CME, and more
  • Impact of robotics in colorectal cancer management
  • Better understand training issues for current Coloproctology trainees e.g. letting surgeons flourish
  • Exposure to pelvic rarities and their radiology
  • And many, many more

Topics include:

  • The CME Trials: how should we interpret them?
  • The impact of fellowship training on rectal cancer outcomes
  • Let surgeons flourish – what can mentoring offer
  • Immunotherapy for colorectal cancer: the surgeon’s dilemma
  • The impact of robotics on surgical trainees
  • Making robotic CME safe
  • The radiology of pelvic rarities

Programme Outline

08.30 am  Registration, tea and coffee
08.45 am  Introduction

09.00 am The CME Trials: how should we interpret them?
09.30 am Immunotherapy for colorectal cancer: the surgeon’s dilemma
10.00 am Decision making in the complex cancer MDT
10.30 am Panel discussion

11.00 am Tea and coffee break

11.30 am The impact of fellowship training on rectal cancer outcomes
11.30 am Let surgeons flourish- what can mentoring offer?
12.00 pm The impact of robotics on surgical trainees
12.30 pm Panel discussion

01.00 pm Lunch

02.00 pm Making robotic CME safe
02.30 pm Future of rectal cancer surgery
03.00 pm Panel discussion

03.30 pm Tea and coffee break

04.00 pm The radiology of pelvic rarities
04.30 pm When the gut fails
05.00 pm Panel discussion

05.30 pm Close of day

St Mark’s Alumni and Coloproctology Section Faculty (alphabetical order):

Prof. Omer Aziz, Miss Elaine Burns, Mr Gordon Buchanan, Miss Kirsten Boyle, Dr Daniel Clerc, Mr Mit Dattani, Mr John Evans, Prof. Omar Faiz, Dr Tom Glover, Miss Sharmila Gupta, Mr Glen Guerra, Mr Anil Hemandes, Miss Nicola Hodges, Mr James Kynaston, Mr Chris McFaul, Mr Akash Mehta, Mr Pasha Nisar, Mr Toby Pring, Mr Aaron Quyn, Mr Mo Rabie, Mr Shanu Rasheed, Mr James Reed, Prof. Irshad Shaikh, Mr Adam Stearns, Miss Bubby Thava, Mr Henry Tilney, Mr Greg Thomas, Mr Chris Thorn, Mr Ryash Vather, Mr Janindra Warusavitarne, Prof. Malcolm West, Mr Ian White.

Location: This is an in person event at Avery Jones Lecture Theatre, St Mark’s The National Bowel Hospital, Central Middlesex Hospital, Acton Lane, London NW10 7NS


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Auld acquaintance, ne’er forgotten