Essential Stoma Care

Written by Jennie Burch and Pat Black, St Mark’s Hospital.

St Mark’s Hospital is proud to present our second publication “Essential Stoma Care”, packed with detailed insight and expert knowledge, this illustrated book has been produced entirely in-house by our highly experienced clinical and media professionals.

This book was written by two nurses who have a combined total of over 60 years working in colorectal nursing, with much of that time being stoma specialist nurses. This book is written for healthcare professionals and to provide an overview of stomas.

The chapters are designed to address details about stomas; each chapter ends with a reference list that can be used for further reading on the topic if required. The book takes the reader from the basics such as what a stoma is, to why they are formed and includes a discussion on the role of the stoma specialist nurse. Each of the three main output stomas are then addressed in turn, enabling the reader to understand the reasons for the formation of each stoma type, what operations may be undertaken and the appropriate appliances needed. Any special considerations for a person with a stoma are also explored to include colostomy irrigation, diet for a person with an ileostomy and support groups. The final chapter explores complications that can occur with a stoma or the skin around it, stoma reversal and also quality of life.

Patients who are to have a stoma formation or who already have a stoma often travel a difficult path; understanding this will enable healthcare professionals to provide better care for this group of patients. The book has been reviewed by Professor Sue Clark who is a colorectal consultant surgeon at St Mark’s Hospital.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy for £10, including package and posting, complete the Essential Stoma Care book form (doc) and email it to