Tagged with: Gastroenterology


Dr James Alexander 

MA (Cantab.) MBBS PhD MRCP | Consultant Gastroenterologist. Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London

Dr Kevin Monahan 

FRCP PhD | Co-Director: The St Mark’s Centre for Familial Intestinal Cancer, Sub-Dean, Consultant Gastroenterologist at the Family Cancer Clinic and St Mark’s Endoscopy and Clinical Scientific Officer at St Mark's Hospital. NHSE Lynch syndrome Programme Clinical Advisor

Consultant gastroenterologist at the Family Cancer Clinic & Wolfson Unit for Endoscopy, at St Mark's Hospital who joined in April 2019.

Dr Ravi Misra 

Director of Gastroenterology

Dr Ravi Misra is a luminal gastroenterologist with a specialist interest in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Professor Siwan Thomas-Gibson 

MBBS BSc FRCP MD | Consultant Gastroenterologist | Divisional Medical Director

Professor Siwan Thomas-Gibson is a specialist endoscopist and has been a consultant at St Mark's Hospital since 2006. She is the Divisional Medical Director at St Mark's.

Professor Brian Saunders 

MBBS MD FRCS | Professor of Practice (Endoscopy)

Professor Brian Saunders is a specialist gastrointestinal endoscopist and luminal gastroenterologist.

Dr Andrew Latchford 

Consultant Gastroenterologist

Dr Andrew Latchford is a Consultant Gastroenterologist at St Mark’s Hospital and sub director of the Polyposis Registry with a specialist interest in upper GI endoscopy.

Dr Warren Hyer 

MB ChB FRCPCH MRCP | Consultant Paediatrician and Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist

Dr Warren Hyer is the Paediatric and Adolescent Gastroenterologist at St Mark's Hospital.

Dr Ayesha Akbar 

MBChB (Hons) FRCP PhD | Consultant Gastroenterologist

Ayesha is a key opinion leader in her field. She has a focus on patient care, communication and satisfaction.

Dr Naila Arebi 

MD MSc PhD FRCP | Consultant Gastroenterologist, Chairman Medicine, Director IBD Clinical Service | Dean, St Mark's Academic Institute

Naila Arebi is Director of St Mark’s Hospital Inflammatory Bowel Disease Unit and graduated as a Doctor of Medicine from the University of Malta Medical School. She pursued her post-graduate training in Oxford and London leading to accreditation in Gastroenterology and General Medicine in 2004.


IBD: From Bench to Bedside

Posted on: October 14, 2015

The St Mark's / Dr Falk SpR Training Day with poster presentation will take place on 11 December 2015 at the RCGP, 30 Euston Square, London.

Dr Ailsa Hart and the ASSA SAGES Congress

Posted on: July 29, 2015

Dr Ailsa Hart from St Mark's Hospital has been invited to lecture at the South African Gastroenterology Meeting at the Durban International Convention Centre.