Posted on: September 30, 2015

St Mark’s Academic Institute – Web Launch 2015

After several months of development and testing, we at St Mark's Academic Institute are delighted to announce the launch of our brand new website.

We have refreshed and updated all of our content, focusing on providing essential information for clinicians and potential academic visitors to St Mark’s. If you are a patient, friend or relative looking for the hospital don’t worry; you can access information for patients and visitors on St Mark’s Hospital’s website:

The Process

Impressed by their work portfolio and approachable, friendly team we hired a creative design company called Mixd to work with us on our vision for a modern and user-friendly new site. A new layout has enabled us to make this site accessible and easy to use no matter which browser it’s accessed from and whether or not the browser uses assistive technology.

The result is this modern, fully-responsive website which we feel truly reflects our position as the leading centre of education and research in the field of bowel disease.

What’s new?

We are proud of our library of educational videos which we record throughout the year and edit in-house. Our previous site hosted many of these which you could purchase to view online. We are pleased to announce that we have now made our library of resources available to view for free. Click on the resources tab in the main navigation and browse through our selection of online DVDs, course presentations, and Grand Rounds; weekly in-house educational talks. We will continue to update our resources collection so make sure you check back in with us for updates.

Old Favourites

Google Analytics told us that our most popular pages on our old site were our Consultants’ profiles. These have been given a much-needed update, with refreshed biographies and recent photographs, and can be easily accessed no matter what page of the site you’re on.

One of the main purposes of our website is to promote and sell the educational courses we run throughout the year, so why have them hidden away where they’re tricky to find? Our courses are easily accessible from the main navigation; here you can find our full programme of postgraduate instruction in intestinal and colorectal disease. Click on each course title to find out more information, see testimonials from past delegates, and book easily and quickly online.

We value your opinion

We hope that you like our fresh new look and improved navigation; specifically designed to help you find the information you need quickly and easily. If you can’t find what you’re looking for or would just like to share your feedback, please feel free to get in touch with our web team at [email protected].

To keep up to date on the latest news from our website follow us on Twitter @StMarksHospital.

Mixd are a full-service creative design and web design agency based in Harrogate. For more information visit their website.